God has put life and death in the power of our tongue. He has set His very spirit that raised Christ from the dead in us. He has called us to pray for those in authority. -- Faytene Grasseschi
(WHY BLESS HOLLYWOOD? An article by director Faytene Grasseschi.)
I will never forget the day. Thousands of us were standing in front of the Parliament of Canada with hands out stretched decreeing toward the office buildings, “We bless you, we bless you, we bless you! We bless you with a spirit of wisdom to run our nation. We bless you with a spirit of justice. We bless your families & health. We bless you with a revelation of the Messiah. We bless you….”
The next week I got an e-mail from one of the offices. The woman writing said, “Faytene I want to thank you for your gathering and let you know how much it impacted us. In all the years I have worked here, we have never had a group come for any reason other than to criticize us, rebuke us and tell us what we are doing wrong. Your kindness had our entire office in tears. You are the first group that has ever come in a spirit of blessing.” I was stunned. We were the first group to do this? She went onto say, “Whatever you need, just let us know.”There is nothing more powerful than love (it kept Jesus on the Cross).
There is little more disarming than honor.This same group that blessed our leaders that day has now had more sit down meetings with government than any organization – very likely in the history of the nation. Through this open door they have also been a key part of advancing major socially conservative legislation on things like fighting human trafficking, life issues, youth suicide and national reconciliation. There has been a shift.
In 2001 our Prime Minister would not even mention the name of God at the 911 memorial - he actually forbade it. Today, in 2012, Canada has a Prime Minister who is known for saying, "God bless you and God bless Canada." This same Prime Minister has stood on the international stage in support of Israel, declared war on human trafficking and lead an unprecedented move of repentance for historical atrocities.
Long story short: we have literally seen the tide of a nation turn. We believe this can be directly attributed to the coordinated national prayer of many like-minded ministries, reconciliation & blessing movement.
God has put life and death in the power of our tongue. He has set His very spirit that raised Christ from the dead in us. He has called us to pray for those in authority. That is a powerful combo. Can you imagine what could happen if we could get believers, from all over the world, with their hearts fixed in prayer, fasting and a spirit of faith towards Hollywood speaking life and blessing? Wow! The potential is nothing short of massive.
As we use this God given authority and loose blessing in the earth it has the power to change everything. With this in mind, we believe God is sounding a call for the nations to gather in Hollywood in a spirit of blessing - we are not blessing things that go against the word of God. We will simply be gathering to pray in a spirit of honor and faith joining our voices with many others who are praying for the destiny of this city to be realized.
We earnestly desire to join in faith with the many amazing ministries, churches and men and women who have faithfully labored in prayer for Hollywood over the years and decades to say, "Yes God! You have an awesome dream for this city and together we want to link arms, one with another, and be a part of praying it in with love and blessing."
Will you with believers from the Hollywood area and beyond on March 15th in Hollywood for a full day of prayer, fasting and loosing blessing and life over a city and sphere that is having profound impact on an entire generation?
There is power in our prayers. There is power in our praise. There is power in our blessing. Let’s take that power and loose His glory into a sphere that is impacting the world.
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