

你一定有试过问上帝一些问题,然后得不到祂的答案,对吧?别担心,我也常这样。这不是因为上帝不爱我们,或是懒得理我们;大概是祂太爱我们,所以选择给我们自主权,让我们勇敢地去为自己的生命作决定。“别害怕做选择,反正结果没有对和错,选了就是了,上帝会祝福我们的。” 我的确是这么认为的。




These past few days of Chinese New Year reunion and visitations have been wonderful. Hearing some stories of how people face criticism about their jobs and stuff from their families makes me give thanks that I don't have a family that does that. Even my extended relatives don't do that.

If we talked about a house, a car, a wedding, a marriage or a job, I never felt that it was for measuring or comparing who's one has a better one or who has better "success". I never felt like anyone was treating reunions as a time of checking who is ahead in the "competition" of life. It's always nice and relaxing fun times when it comes to spending time with my relatives.

Some may feel that I have a perfect big family. Far from it. We have our fare share of differences and drama. Some didn't even have a perfect family or upbringing of a mother and father (like my mum). We have our problems in relationship and communication as well. I'm sure all of us (my family and relatives) would say that we suck in one way or another.

It's who we choose to be to one another that makes us a good family not what we have or the amount of money in each packet of 'ang pao' we give or get.

We always get to choose what kind of father we want to be, what kind of mother we want to be, what kind of son or daughter we want to be, what kind of uncle we want to be, what kind of auntie we want to be, what kind of niece or nephew we want to be, what kind of cousin we want to be. We choose what kind of family we want to build and what kind of person we want others to remember us as.

We always have a choice.


{ MiiKaeL } | 15 February 2013 at 03:23 said...


Yeah, true that.

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